About Us

Who are we?

We are a group of graduate students of Science Communication from NUS aiming to create awareness among public about the much hyped influenza virus.

You can find answers to these questions

  • What is influenza?
  • How does it affect humans?
  • How vaccines are meant to protect us?


About the contributors:

JustinRed Lebrun
Before embarking on this Masters course full time, I taught science writing and presentation classes to researchers in Singapore and Europe. I’m now working hard to translate that communication background towards the Singaporean public, particularly about influenza, a dangerous virus that can be particularly dangerous in dense urban cities like Singapore.


Pei Yanme
I teach Mathematics and Science in a Secondary school in Singapore. I have a love for education, and truly care about sharing my knowledge with my students. In 1996, I was diagnosed with diabetes, which was a mental and physical struggle that I have at long last been able to be at peace with. I now want to share information about Influenza to make a difference in the lives of people who may struggle without the right information.


I am an educator of Biology in Singapore at Innova Junior College. Deep down inside, I’m just a science enthusiast who is amazed by how nature works. Biology is mother nature’s right hand: the key to all life and all beautiful living things- but it can also be a terrible, unforgiving thing that needs to be feared. In this blog, I want to share my biological expertise to educate and inform, and to make sure that others know how to best prepare for, and deal with, mother nature.


Hui Hanhanny
Before starting on a Masters course, I used to teach 17-18 year old students Chemistry and Project Work. I am now doing private tutoring.




Wei Xin
Coming soon

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